Thursday, August 19, 2010


I am here! I arrived last night around 7:30p.m. and though the beginning of the trip was QUITE stressful, it all turned out more than alright. Here's here's how it went. . .

My friend A.P. and the family brought me to Bentonville, AR airport, where I learned that my flight to Atlanta was delayed. So--I proceeded to wait for TWO HOURS while the lovely Delta customer service lady called a bazillion people, messed around online, and eventually got my, tickets all sorted out. Not only did she get me on an Atlanta flight that afternoon, but she got me FIRST CLASS for the Atlanta to Amsterdam flight!!! Sadly, I only had eight minutes to make it from concourse A to concourse E (across the entire, very large, very crowded Atlanta airport).

Imagine, for a moment, a 115lb. girl, SPRINTING throught the airport, carrying a 35lb. pack. Quite a sight to see. I did make it, and excitedly made my way to 6A--my very first, First Class experience--window seat and all :)

I sat next to a man named Fred, who helped me with my luggage, showed me how to work my reclining chair, helped me climb over all the trays and champaigne and himself when I decided I needed to make a bathroom run in the middle of dinner . . . . :) He showed me the ropes of first class, and we talked of ADHD, clean water, and family. He was a psychiatrist from Amsterdam. All in all it was quite an amazing flight.

My flight to Entebbe, although not in First Class, was also quite amazing. The flight was not even half-way full! I was seated next to a Puerto Rican man named Rico, who told me of a friend he has in Entebbe (where I am staying) who works with autistic children! I got his contact information and I may be meeting up with her later this week.

After take-off I moved to an empty row--4 seats allllll to myself, and ended up passing out for seven hours. It was nice--but made for ZERO sleep last night.

Last night I crashed at my friend JjaJja's house. She is a missionary from the states whom STacie and I stayed with for 2 months the last time we were here in Uganda. As I said, I had no sleep, as well as an allergen and mosquito attack. Not fun.

Today I came to see the well and my kids!!! Jackie and I sat down and made a budget for the food for the well-dedication feast on Saturday. As soon as the money is wired to me we will be purchasing the food. The next couple days will be all Living Water International days-buying food for the feast, preparing for the dedication, etc.

I think that's all I have for now. Thank-you all so very much for prayers for my health (I was reallllly sick Tuesday morning) and for travel! Oh! Almost forgot, I also didn't get charged a single dime for any of my checked baggage!

Would love to hear from you all here or e-mail me at


  1. yea! So glad to hear from you. I can't wait to see pictures of the well and hear how the children are enjoying fresh, clean water. You are loved AmyRose and we are praying for you.


  2. Rosie, I love this story and you have been blessed my friend. The kids, I can just vision them all running for you, and Irene in the pink dress. Thank you so much for all you have done for God, the children and for me over there. You are in my prayers every day and I am so very proud of you. We all love you so much.....Keep the blog coming
